Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. border                
1. rim \'rim\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. OE rima; akin to ON rimi strip of land, Gk 
   e-rema] gently, Lith remti to support 1a: the outer often curved or 
   circular edge or border of something  1b: BRINK  2a: the outer part of a 
   wheel joined to the hub usu. by spokes  2b: a removable outer metal band on 
   an automobile wheel to which the tire i s attached 3: FRAME  - rim.less aj
2. rim vb or rimmed;  or rim.ming 1: to furnish with a rim : serve as a rim 
   for : BORDER  2: to run around the rim of {putts that ~ the cup}  : to form 
   or show a rim