Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ascend                
1. climb \'kli-m\ \'kli--m*-b*l\ vb [ME climben, fr. OE climban; akin to OE 
   clamm bond, fetter] 1a: to go upward with gradual or continuous progress : 
   RISE  1b: to slope upward  2a: to go upward or raise oneself esp. by 
   grasping or clutching with the h ands of a plant  2b: to ascend in growth 
   (as by twining)  3: to go about or down usu. by grasping or holding with 
   the hands  1: to go upwards upon or along, to the top of, or over  2: to 
   draw or pull oneself up, over, or to the top of by using hands and f eet 3: 
   to grow up or over  - climb.able aj
2. climb n 1: a place where climbing is necessary to progress  2: the act 
   or an instance of climbing : ascent by climbing