Webster's English Dictionary

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as.cend or as.cend.ible \*-'send\ \*-'sen-d*-b*l\ vb [ME ascenden, fr. L 
   ascendere, fr. ad- + scandere to cl]imb - more at SCAN 1a: to move 
   gradually upward  1b: to slope upward  2a: to rise from a lower level or 
   degree  2b: to go back in time or in order of genealogical succession  1: 
   to go or move up : MOUNT  2: to succeed to : OCCUPY ard or toward the top. 
   ASCEND implies little more than progressive upward movement; MOUNT implies 
   reaching the top or attaining impressive or dangerous heights; CLIMB 
   suggests effort and the use of hands and feet; SCALE suggests an 
   essentially vertical ascending requiring the use of ladder or rope - 
   as.cend.able aj SYN syn ASCEND, MOUNT, CLIMB, SCALE mean to move upw