Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bor.der \'bo.rd-*r\ \-*rd\ n [ME bordure, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. border to 
   border, fr. bort b]order, of Gmc origin; akin to OE bord 1: an outer part 
   or edge  2: BOUNDARY, FRONTIER  3: a narrow bed of planted ground along the 
   edge of a garden or walk  4: an ornamental design at the edge of a fabric 
   or rug  5: a plain or decorative margin around printed matter NK: BORDER 
   denotes the part of a surface that marks its boundary line; MARGIN denotes 
   a border of definite width or distinguishing character; VERGE applies to 
   the line marking an extreme limit or termination of something; EDGE denotes 
   the terminating line made by two converging surfaces as of a blade or a 
   box; RIM applies to an edge of something circular or curving; BRIM applies 
   to the upper inner rim of something hollow; BRINK denotes the abrupt edge 
   of something that falls away steeply - bor.dered aj SYN syn MARGIN, VERGE, 
2. border \'bo.rd-(*-)rin\ \-*r-*r\ vt or bor.der.ing 1: to put a border on 
    2: to touch at the edge or boundary : BOUND  1: to lie on the border  2: 
   to approach the nature of a specified thing : VERGE {~s  on the ridiculous} 
   - bor.der.er n