Webster's English Dictionary

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1. glide \'gli-d\ vb [ME gliden, fr. OE gli-dan; akin to OHG gli-tan to 
   glid]e 1: to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly  2: to pass 
   gradually and imperceptibly  of an airplane  3: to descend at a normal 
   angle without engine power sufficient for level  flight of the tongue  4: 
   to change position in the articulation of a glide  : to cause to glide 
2. glide n 1: the act or action of gliding  2: a calm stretch of shallow 
   water flowing smoothly  3a: PORTAMENTO  3b: a nonsignificant sound produced 
   by the passing of the vocal organs to o r from the articulatory position of 
   a speech sound