Webster's English Dictionary

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1. trav.el \'trav-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ vb or trav.eled or trav.elled;  or 
   trav.el.ing;  or trav.el.ling [ME travailen to travail, journey, fr. OF 
   travailler to travail] 1a: to go on or as if on a trip or tour : JOURNEY  
   1b1: to go as if by traveling : PASS  1b2: ASSOCIATE  1c: to go from place 
   to place as a salesman or business agent  2a: to move or advance from one 
   place to another  2b: to undergo transportation  2c: to move in a given 
   direction or path or through a given distance  1: to journey through or 
   over : TRAVERSE  2: to traverse (a specified distance)  3: to cover as a 
   commercial traveler 
2. travel n 1a: the act of traveling : PASSAGE  1b: JOURNEY, TRIP - often 
   used in pl.  pl  2: an account of one's travels  3: the number traveling : 
   TRAFFIC  4a: MOVEMENT, PROGRESSION  4b: the motion of a piece of machinery; 
   esp : reciprocating motion