Webster's English Dictionary

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1. skirt \'sk*rt\ n [ME, fr. ON skyrta shirt, kirtle - more at SHIRT] 1a1: 
   a free hanging part of an outer garment or undergarment extending from  the 
   waist down 1a2: a separate free hanging outer garment or undergarment for 
   women and gi rls covering the body from the waist down 1b: either of two 
   usu. leather flaps on a saddle covering the bars on which  the stirrups are 
   hung 2a: the rim, periphery, or environs of an area  pl  2b: the outlying 
   parts of a town or city : OUTSKIRTS  3: a part or attachment serving as a 
   rim, border, or edging  slang  4: GIRL, WOMAN 
2. skirt vt 1: to form or run along the border or edge of : BORDER  2a: to 
   provide a skirt for {a full-~ed coat}  2b: to furnish a border or shield 
   for  3a: to go or pass around or about; specif : to go around or keep a way 
   from in order to avoid danger or discovery 3b: to avoid because of 
   difficulty or fear of controversy  3c: to evade or miss by a narrow margin  
   : to be, lie, or move along an edge, border, or margin