Webster's English Dictionary

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com.pen.di.um \k*m-'pen-de--*m\ \-de--*\ n or compendiums or com.pen.dia 
   [ML, fr. L, saving, shortcut, fr. compendere to weigh together, fr. co] pl 
   m- + pendere to weigh : a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of 
   knowledge : ABSTR ACTS, APERc~: a COMPENDIUM gathers together and presents 
   in concise or in outline form all the essential facts and details of a 
   subject; a SYLLABUS gives the material necessary for a comprehensive view 
   of a whole subject often in the form of a series of heads or propositions: 
   a DIGEST presents material gathered from many sources and arranged for 
   ready reference; a SURVEY is a brief but comprehensive treatment presented 
   often as a preliminary to further study or discussion; a SKETCH is a 
   similar but slighter and more tentative treatment; a PRE`CIS is a concise 
   statement of essential facts or points; an APERc~ ignores details and gives 
   a quick impression of the whole SYN syn SYLLABUS, DIGEST, SURVEY, SKETCH,