Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. compendium            
1. sur.vey \s*r-'va-, 's*r-.\ vb [ME surveyen, fr. MF surveeir to look 
   over, fr. sur- + vee]ir to see - more at VIEW 1a: to examine as to 
   condition, situation, or value : APPRAISE  1b: to make a survey of  2: to 
   determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (as a trac t of 
   land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the 
   principles of geometry and trigonometry 3: to view comprehensively  4: 
   INSPECT, SCRUTINIZE  : to make a survey 
2. sur.vey \'s*r-.va-, s*r-'\ n : the act or an instance of surveying; also 
   : something that is su rveyed