Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fin \'fin\ \'fin-.li-k\ \'find\ n [ME finn, fr. OE; akin to L spina 
   thorn, spine] 1: an external membranous process of an aquatic animal (as a 
   fish) used in  propelling or guiding the body 2: something resembling a fin 
   esp. in appearance or function :  2a: HAND, ARM  2b1: an appendage of a 
   boat  2b2: an airfoil attached to an airplane for directional stability  
   2b3: one of a pair of usu. ornamental projections at the rear of an automob 
   ile 2c: FLIPPER  2d: any of the projecting ribs on a radiator or an engine 
   cylinder  - fin.like aj
2. fin vb or finned;  or fin.ning : to show the fins above the water  : to 
   equip with fins 
3. fin n [Yiddish finf five, fr. OHG] slang  : a five-dollar bill