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con.firm \k*n-'f*rm\ \-.f*r-m*-'bil-*t-e-\ \-'f*r-m*-b*l\ vt [ME confirmen, 
   fr. OF confirmer, fr. L confirmare, fr. com]- + firmare to make firm, fr. 
   firmus firm 1: to make firm or firmer : STRENGTHEN  2: to give approval to 
   : RATIFY  3: to administer the rite of confirmation to  4: to give new 
   assurance of the validity of  5: ASSERT, MAINTAIN AUTHENTICATE, VALIDATE 
   mean to attest to the truth or validity of something. CONFIRM implies the 
   removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact; 
   CORROBORATE suggests the strengthening of what is already partly 
   established; SUBSTANTIATE implies the offering of evidence that sustains 
   the contention; VERIFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual 
   facts or details with those proposed of guessed at; AUTHENTICATE implies 
   establishing genuineness by adducing legal or official documents or expert 
   opinion; VALIDATE implies establishing validity by authoritative 
   affirmation or by factual proof - con.firm.abil.i.ty n SYN syn CONFIRM,