Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. maintain              
as.sert \*-'s*rt\ vt [L assertus, pp. of asserere, fr. ad- + serere to 
   join]- more at SERIES 1: to state or declare positively  2a: MAINTAIN, 
   VINDICATE  2b: POSIT, POSTULATE  implies stating confidently without need 
   for proof or regard for evidence; DECLARE adds to ASSERT an implication of 
   open or public statement; AFFIRM implies conviction of truth and 
   willingness to stand by one's statement because of evidence, experience, or 
   faith; PROTEST emphasizes affirming in the face of denial or doubt; AVOW 
   stress frank declaration and acknowledgment of personal responsibility for 
   the statement being made : to compel recognition of one's rights or 
   position  - assert oneself  SYN syn DECLARE, AFFIRM, PROTEST, AVOW: ASSERT