Webster's English Dictionary

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con.quer \'ka:n-k*r\ \-k(*-)rin\ vb or con.quer.ing;  or vt [ME conqueren 
   to acquire, conquer, fr. OF conquerre, fr. (assumed)]VL conquaerere fr. L 
   conquirere to search for, collect, fr. com- + quaerere to ask, search 1: to 
   gain or acquire by force of arms : SUBJUGATE  2: to overcome by force of 
   arms : VANQUISH  3: to gain or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition  
   4: to overcome by mental or moral power : SURMOUNT  : to be victorious  
   SUBDUE, REDUCE, OVERCOME, OVERTHROW, ROUT mean to get the better of by 
   force or strategy. CONQUER implies gaining mastery of; VANQUISH implies a 
   complete overpowering or discomfiture of someone; DEFEAT does not imply the 
   finality or completeness of VANQUISH which it otherwise equals; BEAT is an 
   informal equivalent for DEFEAT and sometimes for VANQUISH; LICK implies a 
   humiliating beating; SUBDUE implies a defeating and suppression; REDUCE 
   implies a forcing to capitulate or surrender; OVERCOME suggests getting the 
   better of with difficulty or after hard struggle; OVERTHROW stresses the 
   bringing down or destruction of enemy power; ROUT emphasizes complete 
   scattering of enemy forces SYN syn CONQUER, VANQUISH, DEFEAT, BEAT, LICK,