1. crib \'krib\ n [ME, fr. OE cribb; akin to OHG krippa manger, Gk griphos
reed] basket, OE cradol cradle 1: a manger for feeding animals 2: an
enclosure esp. of framework : as 2a: a stall for a stabled animal 2b: a
small child's bedstead with high enclosing usu. slatted sides 2c: any of
various devices resembling a crate or framework in structure 2d: a
building for storage : BIN 3: a small narrow room or dwelling : HUT, SHACK
4: the cards discarded in cribbage for the dealer to use in scoring 5a: a
small theft 5b: PLAGIARISM 5c: a literal translation; esp : PONY 5d: a
device used for cheating in an examination 6: CRE He 3
2. crib \'krib-*r\ vt or cribbed; or 1: CONFINE, CRAMP 2: to
provide with or put into a crib 3: PILFER, STEAL; esp : PLAGIARIZE 1a:
STEAL, PLAGIARIZE 1b: to use a crib : CHEAT 2: to have the vice of crib
biting - crib.ber n