1. cramp \'kramp\ n [ME crampe, fr. MF, of Gmc origin; akin to LG krampe
hook] 1: a spasmodic painful involuntary contraction of a muscle 2: a
temporary paralysis of muscles from overuse 3: sharp abdominal pain - used
usu. in pl.
2. cramp n [LG or obs. D krampe hook; akin to OE cradol cradle] 1a: a
device usu. of iron bent at the ends used to hold timbers or blocks o f
stone together 1b: CLAMP 2a: something that confines : SHACKLE 2b: the
state of being confined - cramp aj
3. cramp vt 1: to affect with or as if with cramp 2: CONFINEM, RESTRAIN
3: to turn (the front wheels of a vehicle) to right or left 4: to fasten
or hold with a cramp : to suffer from cramps