1. cheat \'che-t\ n [earlier cheat forfeited property, fr. ME chet escheat,
short for (Xeschete - more at ESCHEAT 1: the act of fraudulently deceiving
: DECEPTION, FRAUD 2: one that cheats : PRETENDER, DECEIVER 3: any of
several grasses; esp : the common chess (Bromus secali nus) 4: the
obtaining of property from another by an intentional active distorti on of
the truth
2. cheat vt 1: to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or
fraud 2: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice 3: to defeat
in an expectation or purpose by deceit and trickery 1a: to practice fraud
or trickery 1b: to violate rules dishonestly (as at cards) 2: to be
sexually unfaithful mean to get something from another by dishonesty or
deception. CHEAT suggests using trickery that escapes observation; COZEN
implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose;
DEFRAUD stresses depriving one of his rights and usu. connotes deliberate
perversion of the truth; SWINDLE implies large-scale cheating by means of
misrepresentation or mean abuse of confidence; OVERREACH implies getting
the better of in dealing or bargaining - n SYN syn CHEAT, COZEN,