Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chal.lenge \'chal-*nj\ vb [ME chalengen to accuse, fr. OF chalengier, 
   fr. L calumniari]to accuse falsely, fr. calumnia calumny 1: to demand as of 
   right : REQUIRE  of a sentry  2: HALT  3: to take exception to : DISPUTE  
   4: to question the legality or legal qualifications of  5a: DARE, DEFY  5b: 
   to call out to duel or combat  5c: to invite into competition  1: to make 
   or present a challenge  2: to take legal exception  - chal.leng.er n
2. challenge n 1a: a calling to account or into question : PROTEST  1b: an 
   exception taken to a juror before he is sworn  1c: a sentry's command to 
   halt and prove identity  1d: a questioning of the right or validity of a 
   vote or voter  2a: a summons often threatening, provocative, stimulating, 
   or inciting;  specif : a summons to a duel to answer an affront 2b: an 
   invitation to compete in a sport  3: a test of immunity by exposure to 
   virulent infective material after spec ific immunization