Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pack \'pak\ n [ME, of LG or D origin; akin to MLG & MD pak pack, MFlem 
   pac] often attrib  1a: a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying esp. 
   on the back  1b: a group or pile of related objects : as  1b1: a number of 
   separate photographic films packed so as to be inserted to gether into a 
   camera 1b2: a set of two or three color films or plates for simultaneous 
   exposure  1b3: a stack of theatrical flats arranged in sequence  1c1: 
   PACKET  1c2: CONTAINER  1c3: a compact unitized assembly to perform a 
   specific function  2a: the contents of a bundle  2b: a large amount or 
   number : HEAP  2c: a full set of playing cards  3a: an act or instance of 
   packing  3b: a method of packing  4a1: a group trained to hunt or run 
   together  4a2: a group of often predatory animals of the same kind  4a3: a 
   set of persons with a common interest : CLIQUE  4b: an organized group of 
   combat craft  5: a concentrated mass  6: wet absorbent material for 
   therapeutic application to the body  7a: a cosmetic paste for the face  7b: 
   an application or treatment of oils or creams for conditioning the scal p 
   and hair 8: material used as packing 
2. pack \.pak-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'pak-*-b*l\ vt 1a: to make into a compact 
   bundle  1b: to fill completely  1c: to fill with packing  1d: to load with 
   a pack  1e: to put in a protective container  2a: to crowd together  2b: to 
   increase the density of : COMPRESS  3a: to cause or command to go without 
   ceremony {~ed off to s chool} 3b: to bring to an end : FINISH  4: to gather 
   into a tight formation  5: to cover or surround with a pack  6a: to 
   transport on foot or on the back of an animal  6b: to wear or carry as 
   regular equipment {~ a gun}  6c: to be supplied or equipped with : POSSESS  
   1: to go away without ceremony  2a: to stow goods and equipment for 
   transportation  2b: to be suitable for packing  3a: to assemble in a group 
   : CONGREGATE  3b: to crowd together  4: to increase in density  5a: to 
   carry goods or equipment  5b: to travel with one's baggage (as by horse)  - 
   pack.abil.i.ty n
3. pack vt [obs. pack (to make a secret agreement)] 1: to bring together or 
   make up fraudulently to secure a favorable vote (~ a jury} archaic  2: to 
   arrange (the cards is in a pack) so as to cheat 
4. pack n [perh. fr. obs. pack (secret compact)] : an unjustified surcharge 
   added to a price by a dealer 
5. pack aj [perh. fr. obs. pack (to make a secret agreement)] chiefly Scot