Webster's English Dictionary

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1. floor \'flo-(*)r, 'flo.(*)r\ n [ME flor, fr. OE flo-r; akin to OHG fluor 
   meadow, L pla] often attrib nus level, Gk planasthai to wander 1: the part 
   of a room on which one stands  2: the lower inside surface of a hollow 
   structure  2b: a ground surface  3a: a structure dividing a building into 
   stories; also : STORYM 3b: the occupants of such a floor  4: the surface of 
   a structure on which one travels  5a: a main level space (as in a 
   legislative chamber) distinguished from a p latform or gallery 5b: the 
   members of an assembly  5c1: the attention of an assembly  5c2: the right 
   to address an assembly  6: a lower limit : BASE 
2. floor vt 1: to cover with a floor or flooring  2a: to knock to the floor 
    2b: SHOCK, OVERWHELM  2c: DEFEAT  3: to press (the accelerator of a 
   vehicle) to the floorboard  - floor.er n