Webster's English Dictionary

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1. de.fault \di-'fo.lt\ n [ME defaute, defaulte, fr. OF defaute, fr. 
   (assumed) VL de]fallita, fr. fem. of defallitus, pp. of defallere to be 
   lacking, fail, fr. L de- + fallere to deceive 1: failure to do something 
   required by duty or law : NEGLECT  archaic  2: FAULT  3: a failure to pay 
   financial debts  4a: failure to appear at the required time in a legal 
   proceeding  4b: failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest  : 
   in the absence of  - in default of 
2. default \-'fo.l-t*r\ vi : to fail to fulfill a contract, agreement, or 
   duty : as  : to fail to meet a financial obligation  : to fail to appear in 
   court  : to fail to compete in or to finish an appointed contest; also :: 
   to forfeit a contest by such failure 1: to fail to perform, pay, or make 
   good  2: FORFEIT  - de.fault.er n