Webster's English Dictionary

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de.plore \di-'plo-(*)r, -'plo.(*)r\ \-in-le-\ vt [MF or L; MF deplorer, fr. 
   L deplorare, fr. de- + plorare)X to wail 1a: to feel or express grief for  
   1b: to regret strongly  2: to consider unfortunate or deserving of 
   deprecation ess sorrow or keen regret for or over something but they are 
   not now used seriously to describe personal distress or actual weeping. 
   DEPLORE implies regret for the loss or impairment of something of value and 
   often connotes a moral judgment; LAMENT implies mourning for something past 
   and gone; BEWAIL and BEMOAN imply sorrow, disappointment, or protest 
   finding outlet in words or cries, BEWAIL commonly suggesting loudness, and 
   BEMOAN lugubriousness, in uttering complaints or expressing regret - 
   de.plor.er n SYN syn DEPLORE, LAMENT, BEWAIL, BEMOAN mean to expr