Webster's English Dictionary

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con.sid.er \k*n-'sid-*r\ \-sid-(*-)rin\ vb or con.sid.er.ing [ME 
   consideren, fr. MF considerer, fr. L considerare, lit., t]o observe the 
   stars, fr. com- + sider-, sidus star 1: to think about with care or caution 
    2: to regard or treat with attention or solicitude  3: to gaze on steadily 
   or reflectively  4: to come to view {~ thrift essential}  5: ESTEEM  6: 
   SUPPOSE  : REFLECT, DELIBERATE DER often indicates no more than think about 
   but may suggest a conscious direction of thought; STUDY implies sustained 
   purposeful concentration and attention to details and minutiae; CONTEMPLATE 
   stresses focusing one's thoughts on something but implies nothing as to 
   purpose or result of such thinking; WEIGH implies attempting to reach the 
   truth or arrive at a decision by balancing conflicting claims or evidence; 
   REVOLVE suggests turning over a matter under consideration so that all 
   sides are taken into account SYN syn STUDY, CONTEMPLATE, WEIGH, REVOLVE: