Webster's English Dictionary

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dic.ta.to.ri.al \.dik-t*-'to-r-e--*l, -'to.r-\ \-e--*-le-\ aj 1a: of, 
   relating to, or befitting a dictator {~ power}  1b: ruled by a dictator  2: 
   DESPOTIC , ORACULAR mean imposing one's will or opinions on others. 
   DICTATORIAL stresses autocratic, high-handed methods and a domineering 
   manner; MAGISTERIAL stresses assumption or use of prerogatives appropriate 
   to a magistrate or schoolmaster in forcing acceptance of one's opinions; 
   DOGMATIC implies the attitude of one who lays down principles as true and 
   beyond dispute; DOCTRINAIRE implies a disposition to follow abstract 
   theories in framing laws or policies affecting people; ORACULAR implies the 
   manner of one who delivers opinions in cryptic phrases or with pompous 
   dogmatism - dic.ta.to.ri.al.ly av SYN syn DICTATORIAL, MAGISTERIAL,