Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.may \dis-'ma-, diz-\ \-in-le-\ vt [ME dismayen, fr. (assumed) OF 
   desmaiier, fr. OF des- + -m]aiier (as in esmaiier to dismay), fr. (assumed) 
   VL -magare, of Gmc origin : to take away the courage or resolution of with 
   alarm of power to carry on because of sudden fear or anxiety or great 
   perplexity; APPALL implies an overwhelming or paralyzing dread or terror or 
   sense of helplessness before something monstrous or shocking; HORRIFY may 
   imply a shuddering revulsion from the ghastly or gruesome or hideous but it 
   is often merely equal to shock; DAUNT suggest a cowing, subduing, 
   disheartening, or frightening in a venture requiring courage - 
   dis.may.ing.ly av SYN syn APPALL, HORRIFY, DAUNT: DISMAY implies loss 
2. dismay n 1: sudden loss of courage or resolution from alarm or fear  2a: 
   sudden disappointment  2b: PERTURBATION