Webster's English Dictionary

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1. drib.ble \'drib-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vb or drib.bling [freq. of 
   drib (to dribble)] 1: to fall or flow in drops or in a thin intermittent 
   stream : TRICKL E 2: to let saliva trickle from a corner of the mouth : 
   DROOL  3: to come or issue little by little  4a: to dribble a ball or puck  
   4b: to proceed by dribbling  1: to let or cause to fall in drops little by 
   little  2a: to issue sporadically and in small bits  2b: FRITTER  3: to 
   propel by successive slight taps or bounces with hand, foot, or stic k - 
   drib.bler n
2. dribble n 1a: a small trickling stream or flow  1b: a drizzling shower  
   2: a tiny or insignificant bit or quantity  3: an act or instance of 
   dribbling a ball or puck