Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. monopoly              
1. cor.ner \'ko.r-n*r\ n [ME, fr. OF cornere, fr. corne] 1a: the point 
   where converging lines, edges, or sides meet : ANGLE  1b: the place of 
   intersection of two streets or roads  1c: a piece designed to form, mark, 
   or protect a corner  2a: the space between meeting lines, walls, or borders 
   close to the vertex  of the angle 2b: a position from which escape or 
   retreat is difficult or impossible  3: control or ownership of enough of 
   the available supply of a commodity or  security to permit manipulation of 
   the price
2. cor.ner \'ko.(r)n-(*-)rin\ vb or cor.ner.ing 1: to drive into a corner  
   2: to get a corner on {~ wheat}  1: to meet or converge at a corner or 
   angle  2: to turn a corner {a car that ~s well} 
3. corner aj 1: situated at a corner  2: used or fitted for use in or on a 