Webster's English Dictionary

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1. drunk \'dr*nk\ aj [ME drunke, alter. of drunken] 1: having the faculties 
   impaired by alcohol  2: dominated by some feeling as if by alcohol  3: of, 
   relating to, or caused by intoxication TIPSY, TIGHT mean considerably 
   affected by alcohol. DRUNK is the simple, inclusive term, used 
   predicatively and implying neither censure nor apology; DRUNKEN, used 
   attributively, is also a plain term but may suggest habitual excessive 
   drinking; INTOXICATED and INEBRIATED both offer a way of avoiding the blunt 
   effect of DRUNK, INTOXICATED being often applied to one who is slightly 
   drunk, INEBRIATED suggesting the hilarious or noisy phases of insobriety; 
   TIPSY and TIGHT are likely to apply to one infrequently or unexpectedly 
   affected and stress the comic rather than offensive aspects of drunkenness 
2. drunk n 1: a period of excessive drinking  2: DRUNKARD