Webster's English Dictionary

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apol.o.gy \*-'pa:l-*-je-\ n [MF or LL; MF apologie, fr. LL apologia, fr. 
   Gk, fr. apo- + (Xlogos speech - more at LEGEND 1a: a formal justification : 
   DEFENSE  1b: EXCUSE  2: an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by 
   an expression of reg ret 3: a poor substitute : MAKESHIFT : APOLOGY now 
   commonly applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with 
   implied admission of guilt or fault; like APOLOGIA it may be used to imply 
   not an admission of guilt or error but a desire to make clear the grounds 
   for some belief or course of action; EXCUSE implies an intent to avoid or 
   remove blame or censure; PLEA stresses an appeal for understanding or 
   sympathy or mercy; PRETEXT suggests subterfuge, the offering of a pretended 
   reason or motive in place of the real one usu. before the intended action; 
   ALIBI applies to an explanation that is merely plausible rather than 
   entirely truthful SYN syn APOLOGIA, EXCUSE, PLEA, PRETEXT, ALIBI