Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dupe \'d(y)u:p\ n [F, fr. MF duppe, prob. alter. of huppe hoopoe] : one 
   who is easily deceived or cheated : FOOL 
2. dupe vt : to make a dupe of : DECEIVE nderhanded means. DUPE suggests 
   unwariness in the person deluded; GULL stresses credulousness or readiness 
   to be imposed on (as through greed) on the part of the victim; TRICK 
   implies an intent to delude by means of a ruse or fraud but does not always 
   imply a vicious intent; HOAX often applies to a tricking merely for fun or 
   with the aim of demonstrating the extent of human gullibility; HOAX often 
   implies, also, an elaborate or painstaking imposture - dup.er n SYN syn 
   DUPE, GULL, TRICK, HOAX mean to deceive by u 
3. dupe nor vb : DUPLICATE