Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fun \'f*n\ n [E dial. fun to hoax, perh. alter. of ME fonnen, fr. fonne 
   du]pe 1: what provides amusement or enjoyment; specif : playful often boi 
   sterous action or speech 2: AMUSEMENT, ENJOYMENT  3: violent or excited 
   activity or argument on or speech that provides amusement or arouses 
   laughter. FUN usu. implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack 
   of serious or ulterior purpose; JEST implies lack of earnestness in what is 
   said or done and may suggest hoaxing or teasing; SPORT applies esp. to the 
   arousing of laughter against someone; GAME is close to SPORT, and often 
   stresses mischievous or malicious fun; PLAY stresses the opposition to 
   earnest without implying any element of malice or mischief - fun aj SYN syn 
   FUN, JEST, SPORT, GAME, PLAY mean acti 
2. fun vi or funned;  or fun.ning : to indulge in banter or play : JOKE