Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reproduction          
1. du.pli.cate \'d(y)u:-pli-k*t\ aj [ME, fr. L duplicatus, pp. of duplicare 
   to double, fr. duplic-X, duplex 1a: consisting of or existing in two 
   corresponding or identical parts or e xamples 1b: being the same as another 
    2: of or relating to a card game in which players play identical hands in  
   order to compare scores
2. duplicate n 1: either of two things that exactly resemble or correspond 
   to each other;  specif : a legal instrument essentially identical with 
   another and having equal validity as an original 2: COPY, COUNTERPART 
3. du.pli.cate \'d(y)u:-pli-.ka-t\ vt 1: to make double or twofold  2: to 
   make a duplicate of