Webster's English Dictionary

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1. co.or.di.nate \ko--'o.rd-n*t, -*n-*t, -*n-.a-t\ aj [back-formation fr. 
   coordination] 1a: equal in rank, quality, or significance  1b1: being of 
   equal rank in a sentence  1b2: joining words or word groups of the same 
   rank {~ conjunction)> 2: relating to or marked by coordination  - 
   co.or.di.nate.ly av
2. coordinate n 1: one who is of equal rank, authority, or importance with 
   another  2a: any of a set of variables used in specifying the state of a 
   substance o r the motion of a particle or momentum
3. co.or.di.nate \ko--'o.rd-*n-.a-t\ \ko--'o.rd-n*t-iv, -*n-*t-, -*n-.a-t-\ 
   \-*n-.a-t-*r\ vb [back-formation fr. coordination] 1: to put in the same 
   order or rank  2: to bring into a common action, movement, or condition : 
   HARMONIZE)M : to be or become coordinate esp. so as to act together in a 
   smooth conce rted way - co.or.di.na.tive aj