Webster's English Dictionary

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el.lip.sis \i-'lip-s*s, e-\ \-'lip-.se-z\ n or el.lip.ses [L, fr. Gk 
   elleipsis ellipsis, ellipse, fr. elleipein to leave out,] pl  fall short, 
   fr. en in + leipein to leave - more at IN, LOAN 1a: the omission of one or 
   more words that can be obviously understood and  supplied to make a 
   construction seem more complete (as in "the man he sees" for "the man that 
   he sees") 1b: a leap or sudden passage without logical connectives from one 
   topic to  another 2: marks or a mark (as ... or *** or -) showing omission 
   esp. of letters  or words