Cross references:
1. period
ep.och \'ep-*k, 'ep-.a:k also 'e--.pa:k\ \'ep-*-k*l, 'ep-.a:k-*l\ \-*-le-\
n [ML epocha, fr. Gk epoche- cessation, fixed point, fr. epeche]in to
pause, hold back, fr. epi- + echein to hold - more at SCHEME 1: an instant
of time or a date selected as a point of reference in astrono my 2a: an
event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period or devel opment
2b: a memorable event or date 2c: TIME 3a: an extended period of time
usu. characterized by a distinctive developm ent or by a memorable series
of events 3b: a division of geologic time less than a period and greater
than an age - ep.och.al aj