Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.pense \ik-'spen(t)s\ n [ME, fr. AF or LL; AF, fr. LL expensa, fr. L, 
   fem. of expensus, pp.] of expendere archaic  1a: the act or practice of 
   expending money : SPENDING  archaic  1b1: the act or process of using up : 
   CONSUMPTION  obs  1b2: LOSS  2a: something expended to secure a benefit or 
   bring about a result  2b: financial burden or outlay : COST  2c: the 
   charges incurred by an employee in connection with the performance  of his 
   duties - usu. used in pl. 2d: an item of business outlay chargeable against 
   revenue for a specific pe riod 3: a cause or occasion of expenditure  4: 
   SACRIFICE - usu. used in the phrase at the expense of