Webster's English Dictionary

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1. item \'i--.tem, 'i-t-*m\ av [ME, fr. L, fr. ita thus] : and in addition 
   : ALSO - used to introduce each article in a  list or enumeration
2. item \'i-t-*m\ n obs  1: WARNING, HINT  2: a separate particular in an 
   enumeration, account, or series : ARTIC LE 3: a separate piece of news or 
   information : a short news paragraph {co lumn of local ~s}parts of a whole. 
   ITEM applies to each thing specified separately in a list or in a group of 
   things that might be listed or enumerated; DETAIL applies to one of the 
   small component parts of a larger whole such as a construction, building, 
   painting, narration, process; PARTICULAR stresses the smallness, 
   singleness, and esp. the concreteness of a detail or item SYN syn ITEM, 
   DETAIL, PARTICULAR mean one of the distinct 
3. item \'i-t-*m\ vt archaic  1: COMPUTE, RECKON  archaic  2: to set down 
   the particular details of