Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strange               
1. ec.cen.tric \ik-'sen-trik, ek-\ \-tri-k(*-)le-\ aj [ML eccentricus, fr. 
   Gk ekkentros, fr. ex out of + kentron] center 1: not having the same center 
   {~ spheres}  2: deviating from some established pattern or from 
   conventional or accepte d usage or conduct 3a: deviating from a circular 
   path  3b: located elsewhere than at the geometrical center  - 
   ec.cen.tri.cal.ly av
2. eccentric n 1: a mechanical device consisting of a disk through which a 
   shaft is keyed  eccentrically and a circular strap which works freely round 
   the rim of the disk for communicating its motion to one end of a rod whose 
   other end is constrained to move in a straight line so as to produce 
   reciprocating motion 2: an eccentric person