Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strange               
1. queer \'kwi(*)r\ \-ish\ aj [origin unknown] 1a: differing in some odd 
   way from what is usual or normal  1b1: ECCENTRIC, UNCONVENTIONAL  1b2: 
   mildly insane : TOUCHED  1c: OBSESSED, HIPPED  slang  1d: sexually deviate 
   : HOMOSEXUAL  slang  2a: WORTHLESS, COUNTERFEIT {~ money}  2b: 
   QUESTIONABLE, SUSPICIOUS  3: not quite well : QUEASY  - queer.ish aj
2. queer av : QUEERLY 
3. queer vt 1: to spoil the effect or success of : DISRUPT {~ one's pl ans} 
   2: to put or get into an embarrassing or disadvantageous situation 
4. queer n slang  1: one that is queer; esp : HOMOSEXUAL  slang  2: 
   counterfeit money