Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. liable                
sen.si.tive \'sen(t)-s*t-iv, 'sen(t)-stiv\ aj [ME, fr. MF sensitif, fr. ML 
   sensitivus, irreg. fr. L sensus] 1: SENSORY  2a: receptive to sense 
   impressions  2b: subject to excitation by external agents (as light, 
   gravity, or contac t) : exhibiting irritability (sense c) 3: highly 
   responsive or susceptible : as  3a: easily hurt  3b: excessively or 
   abnormally susceptible : HYPERSENSITIVE {~  to egg protein} 3c: readily 
   fluctuating in price or demand {~ commodities}  3d: capable of indicating 
   minute differences : DELICATE {~  scales} 3e: readily affected or changed 
   by various agents (as light or mechanical  shock) 3f: high in radio 
   sensitivity  4: concerned with highly classified government information or 
   involving di scretionary authority over important policy matters - 
   sen.si.tive.ly av