Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fell \'fel\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG fel skin, L pellis] : SKIN, HIDE, 
2. fell \'fel-*-b*l\ vt [ME fellen, fr. OE fellan; akin to OE feallan to 
   fall - mor]e at FALL 1a: to cut, beat, or knock down  1b: KILL  2: to sew 
   (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat  on the 
   wrong side - fell.able aj
3. fell  past of FALL 
4. fell \'fel-le-\ aj [ME fel, fr. OF - more at FELON] 1a: FIERCE, CRUEL  
   1b: very destructive or painful : DEADLY  1c: TERRIBLE, AWFUL  Scot  2: 
   SHARP, PUNGENT  - fell.ness n