Webster's English Dictionary

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1. burst \'b*rst\ \'b*r-st*d\ vb or burst or burst.ed;  or burst.ing [ME 
   bersten, fr. OE berstan; akin to OHG brestan to burst, MI]r brosc noise 1: 
   to break open, apart, or into pieces usu. from impact or from pressure  
   from within 2a: to give way from an excess of emotion {his heart will ~ 
   with g rief} 2b: to give vent suddenly to a repressed emotion {~ into 
   tears}  3a: to emerge or spring suddenly {~ out of a house}  3b: LAUNCH, 
   PLUNGE {~ into song}  4: to be filled to the breaking point  1: to cause to 
   burst  2: to produce by or as if by bursting  - burst.er n
2. burst n 1a: a sudden outbreak; esp : a vehement outburst (as of emotion) 
    1b: EXPLOSION, ERUPTION  1c: a sudden intense effort  1d: a volley of 
   shots  2: an act of bursting  3: a result of bursting; specif : a visible 
   puff accompanying the e xplosion of a shell