Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fork \'fo.(*)rk\ n [ME forke, fr. OE & ONF; OE forca & ONF forque, fr. L 
   furc]a 1: an implement with two or more prongs used esp. for taking up (as 
   in eati ng), pitching, or digging 2: a forked part, tool, or piece of 
   equipment  3a: a division into branches or the place where something 
   divides into bran ches 3b: CONFLUENCE  4a: a branch of a fork  4b: 
2. fork vi : to divide into two or more branches {the road ~s}  1: to give 
   the form of a fork to {~ing her fingers}  2: to raise or pitch with a fork 
   {~ hay}  3: to attack (two chessmen) simultaneously  4: PAY, CONTRIBUTE  - 
   fork.er n