Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. throw                 
1. pitch \'pich\ n [ME pich, fr. OE pic, fr. L pic-, pix; akin to L opi]mus 
   fat - more at FAT 1: a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a 
   residue in the distillat ion of tars or other organic materials 2: any of 
   various bituminous substances  3: an often medicinal resin obtained from 
   various conifers  4: any of various artificial mixtures resembling resinous 
   or bituminous pit ches
2. pitch vt : to cover, smear, or treat with or as if with pitch 
3. pitch vb [ME pichen] 1: to erect and fix firmly in place {~ a tent}  2: 
   THROW, FLING : as  2a: to deliver (a baseball) to a batter  2b: to toss (as 
   coins) so as to fall at or near a mark {~ pennies)> 3: to sell or advertise 
   esp. in a high-pressure way  4a1: to cause to be at a particular level or 
   of a particular quality  4a2: to set in a particular musical key  4b: to 
   cause to be set at a particular angle  5: to utter with glib insincerity  
   6a: to use as a starting pitcher  6b: to play as pitcher  1a: to fall 
   precipitately or headlong  of a ship  1b: to have the bow alternately 
   plunge precipitately down and rise aburptl y up 1c: BUCK  2a: ENCAMP  2b: 
   to choose something usu. in a casual way  3: to incline downward : SLOPE  
   4a: to pitch something (as a baseball or softball)  4b: to play ball as a 
4. pitch \'picht\ n 1: the action or a manner of pitching  2a: degree of 
   slope : RAKE  2b1: distance between one point on a gear tooth and the 
   corresponding point  on the next tooth 2b2: distance from any point on the 
   thread of a screw to the corresponding  point on an adjacent thread 
   measured parallel to the axis 2c: the distance advanced by a propeller in 
   one revolution  2d: the number of teeth or of threads per inch  archaic  3: 
   TOP, ZENITH  4a: the relative level, intensity, or extent of some quality 
   or state  4b1: the property of a musical tone that is determined by the 
   frequency of  the sound waves producing it : highness or lowness of sound 
   4b2: a standard frequency for tuning instruments  4c1: the difference in 
   the relative vibration frequency of the human voice  that contributes to 
   the total meaning of speech 4c2: a definite relative pitch that is a 
   significant phenomenon in speech  5: a steep place : DECLIVITY  6: an 
   all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump  7a: an often 
   high-pressure sales talk  7b: ADVERTISEMENT  8a: the delivery of a baseball 
   by a pitcher to a batter  8b: a baseball so thrown  - pitched aj