1. fry \'fri-\ vb or fried; or [ME frien, fr. OF frire, fr. L
frigere; akin to Gk phrygei]n to roast, fry, Skt bhrjjati he roasts : to
cook in a pan or on a griddle over a fire esp. with the use of fat : to
undergo frying
2. fry n or fries pl 1: a dish of something fried 2: a social gathering
where food is fried and eaten
3. fry n or fry [ME, pro. fr. ONF fri, fr. OF frier, froyer to rub, spawn]
pl 1a: recently hatched fishes 1b: the young of other animals 2: very
small adult fishes 3: members of a group or class {small ~}