Webster's English Dictionary

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1. roast \'ro-st\ vb [ME rosten, fr. OF rostir, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG 
   ro-sten] to roast 1a: to cook by exposing to dry heat (as in an oven or 
   before a fire) or by  surrounding with hot embers, sand, or stones {~ a 
   potato in ashes} 1b: to dry and parch by exposure to heat {~ coffee ~ 
   chestnu ts} 2: to heat (inorganic material) with access of air and without 
   fusing to e ffect change (as expulsion of volatile matter, oxidation, or 
   removal of sulfur from sulfide ores) 3: to heat to excess  4: to criticize 
   severely  1: to cook food by heat  2: to undergo being roasted 
2. roast n 1: a piece of meat suitable for roasting  2: a gathering at 
   which food is roasted before an open fire or in hot ashes  or sand 3: an 
   act or process of roasting; specif : severe banter or critici sm
3. roast aj : ROASTED {~ beef}