Webster's English Dictionary

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evap.o.rate \i-'vap-*-.ra-t\ \i-.vap-*-'ra--sh*n\ \i-'vap-*-.ra-t-iv\ 
   \i-.vap-*-r*-'tiv-*t-e-\ \i-'vap-*-.ra-t-*r\ vt [ME evaporaten, fr. L 
   evaporatus, pp. of evaporare, fr. e-] + vapor steam, vapor 1a: to pass off 
   in vapor or in invisible minute particles  1b1: to pass off or away 
   DISAPPEAR  1b2: to diminish quickly  2: to give forth vapor  1a: to convert 
   into vapor; also : to dissipate or draw off in vapo r or fumes 1b: to 
   deposit (as a metal) in the form of a film by sublimation  2a: to expel 
   moisture from  2b: EXPEL {~ electrons}  - evap.o.ra.tion n