Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flight \'fli-t\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. OE flyht; akin to ME vlucht flight, OE 
   fle-ogan t]o fly 1a: an act or instance of passing through the air by the 
   use of wings  1b: the ability to fly  2a: a passing through the air or 
   through space outside the earth's atmosphe re 2b: the distance covered in 
   such a flight  2c: swift movement  3a: a trip made by or in an airplane  
   3b: an airplane making a scheduled flight  4: a group of similar beings or 
   objects flying through the air together  5: a brilliant, imaginative, or 
   unrestrained exercise or display  6: a continuous series of stairs from one 
   landing or floor to another  7: a unit of the U.S. Air Force below a 
   squadron  - flight.less aj
2. flight vi : to rise, settle, or fly in a flock FLUSH 
3. flight n [ME fluht, fliht; akin to OHG fluht flight, OE fle-onX to flee 
   1: an act or instance of running away  2: withdrawal or transfer of capital 
   to avoid loss