Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gaze                   2. blaze                 
1. glare \'gla(*)r, 'gle(*)r\ vb [ME glaren; akin to OE gls] 1a: to 
   shine with a harsh uncomfortably brilliant light  1b: to stand out 
   offensively : OBTRUDE  2: to stare angrily or fiercely  1: to express (as 
   hostility) by staring angrily  archaic  2: to cause to be sharply reflected 
2. glare n 1a: a harsh uncomfortably bright light; specif : painfully 
   bright s unlight 1b: cheap showy brilliance : GARISHNESS  2: an angry or 
   fierce stare 
3. glare n [prob. fr. 2glare] : a surface or sheet of ice with a smooth 
   slippery surface