Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. contemptible          
1. cheap \'che-p\ n [ME chep, fr. OE ce-ap trade; akin to OHG kouf trade; 
   both] fr. a prehistoric Gmc stem borrowed fr. L caupo tradesman obs  : 
2. cheap aj 1a: purchasable below the going price or the real value  1b: 
   charging a low price  1c: depreciated in value (as by currency inflation) 
   {~ dollars}  2: costing little trouble to obtain {a ~ victory}  3a: SHODDY, 
   MERETRICIOUS  3b: worthy of scorn  4a: yielding small satisfaction  4b: 
   paying or able to pay less than going prices  of money  5: obtainable at a 
   low rate of interest  Brit  6: specially reduced in price  - cheap av