Webster's English Dictionary

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1. graft \'graft\ vb [ME graften, alter. of graffen, fr. graffe graft, fr. 
   MF g]rafe, fr. ML graphium, fr. L, stylus, fr. Gk grapheion, fr. graphein 
   to write - more at CARVE 1a: to cause (a scion) to unite with a stock; also 
   : to unite by j oining scion and stock 1b: to propagate (a plant) by 
   grafting  2: to unite closely  3: to implant (living tissue) surgically  4: 
   to get (illicit gain) by graft  1: to become grafted  2: to perform 
   grafting  3: to practice graft  - graft.er n
2. graft n 1a: a grafted plant  1b: SCION  1c: the point of insertion of a 
   scion upon a stock  2a: the act of grafting  2b: something grafted; specif 
   : living tissue used in grafting  3: the taking of money or other gain in 
   dishonest or questionable ways;  also : illegal or unfair gain